THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE AWARDS 2022(ギリシャ、アテネ)で池上の音楽複合プロジェクト(建物名称 IDEAREVE IKEGAMI)がWINNER受賞いたしました。(主催 シカゴ・アテニアム)
今年の授賞式は、シカゴ・アテネウムのクリスチャン・ナルキエヴィッチ・レイン会長のスピーチで始まり、SNFの取締役であるアグーリディス氏、ニコシア市長のコンスタンティノス・イオルカジス氏のスピーチが続きました。同日夜、Divani Palace Acropolisにて、2022年国際建築賞と入選作品、2022年ヨーロッパ建築賞の授賞式が行われました。
池上の音楽複合プロジェクト(建物名称 IDEAREVE IKEGAMI)の建築主 鎌田氏、企画 施工 八木氏と出席して来ました。
2022年9月9日(金)、ギリシャ・アテネのMitropoleos 74にあるEUROPEAN CENTREの1階で、建築展「都市と世界」のオープニングが行われました。 THE EUROPEAN CENTREの中2階には、2022年欧州建築賞を受賞したChristoph Ingenhovenの受賞プロジェクトの各種写真パネルや映像を展示。 この展示は "International Architecture Awards" の一部となっています。(主催元プレスリリースより)
This year’s Ceremony Awards opened with speech by Christian Narkiewicz-Laine, President of the Chicago Athenaeum and continued with the speech of Mr. Agouridis, Member of the Board of directors of SNF and Mr. Constadinos Yiorkadjis, Mayor of Municipality of Nicosia. On the same night, we awarded of The International Architecture Awards 2022 and Honorable Mentions and the European Prize for Architecture 2022 at the Divani Palace Acropolis.
We attended with Mr. Kamada, the owner of IDEAREVE IKEGAMI, and Mr. Yagi, the planner/contractor of IDEAREVE IKEGAMI.
All the winning projects show a stunning collection of buildings that can surprise, inspire, and improve the quality of everyday life. At the same time, they demonstrate dedication of the highest standards in building design, which continue to influence contemporary design today.
The architectural and contractors firms which participated in the ΙΑΑ22 Awards Ceremony were: AECOM, Arquitectonica ,Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia, BEHNISCH ARCHITEKTEN, Belvedere spa, Boris Micka Associates General, C+S Architects, Carlo Ratti Associati, Dallara Group, DEMOCO, DLF, EKAR ARCHITECTS, Mathieu Forest Architecte, Générale Continentale Investissements (GCI), GLCRM, Gronych + Dollega, H&R REIT, Ingenhoven associates, ISTIRANCA TURIZM TASIMACILIK, JASPER ARCHITECTS, KEO International Consultants, Mario Cucinella Architects, Municipality of Nicosia, Metaform, Michelangeli design, Moshe Zur Architects, Office Istanbul Architects, OFFTEC SRL, PARTISANS, Provencer_ROY, RYUICHI SASAKI ARCHITECTURE, SCI BD Guynemer , Snorre Stinessen Architecture, Spatial Affairs Bureau, Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), Stephen Hodder-Hodder + Partners, Studio 314, TZANNES, UNK Project, William Kaven Architecture, Wilson Architecture, WTA Architecture and Design Studio, YAZGAN ARCHITECTS, Zaha Hadid Architects and ZJA.
The opening of the architectural exhibition "The City and the World" took place on Friday, September 9, 2022, on the ground floor of EUROPEAN CENTRE, at Mitropoleos 74, Athens, Greece. On the mezzanine of ΤΗΕ EUROPEAN CENTRE we exhibit various photographic panels and videos of the awarded projects from Christoph Ingenhoven the Winner of the 2022 European Prize for Architecture. The exhibition is part of the “International Architecture Awards.”