
The Area - 水と緑の気配が漂うコミュータータウン
デザインインサイト - 水との関係の再構築
デザイン - 街に溶け込む
敷地:東京都杉並区久我山 竣工:2017
構造:鉄骨造 3階建
アイコニック賞2018 WINNER
ドイツデザイン賞2019 SPECIAL MENTION
The area: a commuter town with a hint of water and greenery
The project is located to the west of central Tokyo, near the Kugayama station. The area is encircled by vegetation, referencing what was once historically hilly countryside. To the south of the Kugayama station, there are waterways such as the Kanda River and Tamagawa Aqueduct. While to the north there is a trace of an old pilgrimage trail. The project site itself directly faces the gateway to a lively shopping lane, openly visible from two angles by the passing public.
Starting point: building awareness of different values
One of the key demands for a modern commercial building is to maximise profit by compressing the common area and making as much tenant space as possible. However, research shows that underneath the lively bustling contemporary cityscape there is a generations-long awareness of a relationship between people and nature, specifically with water and greenery. This project is based on the concept of reflecting this awareness, communicating to the residents and passerby the site’s uniqueness — the starting point of the structure’s design: to merge the people’s and historical contrasting values into one whole through the architectural structure.
Design insight: rebuilding a relationship with water
In recent years, the rapid development of the suburban areas has covered the land with concrete and transformed the rivers of waters into nothing more than huge ditches. This is problematic, as the water level is unstable for the natural habitat to thrive and grow — no longer do the people visit and engage with this pool of water, and it lies on its own in abandonment. However, there is a nostalgic feeling among the people of their past interaction with the water, of appreciating the once existing balance and beauty that mother nature had originally provided this town. One symbolic shape of nature, found in every existing water cycle, is a tree: its branches, roots, veins — all falling into rivers and roads. The tree shape is a universal solution of nature to reach from one area to another as far as possible, with the assistance of minimalized resources. Another advantage of the tree symbol is that it is a fractal shape: a set of simple codes is sufficient to realise the complex system. For these reasons, the building project was decided to take the form of a tree, not just as an icon of nature, but as an integral functional part of a large-scale water cycle, which would develop over time and blur the boundaries between what is considered art, and what is considered nature — an artistic vision of giving a symbol to the people who appreciate nature.
The design: integrating into the town
The characteristic of the building consists of a combination of two main elements: aluminium panels and tree shapes. The aluminium cladding upon the facade reflects the town’s ever-changing ambience with its lustrous quality in a variety of ways and colours depending on the time of day and weather — blending the new building, as an innovative prospect, into the mature townscape. Taking the form of a tree shape, the rainwater drains vertically running alongside the building’s facade provides a supporting structure for plants and at night: a lighting tool. The H-beams are shaped as trunks, while pipes act as the branches and wires for the plants. To minimise the height of the roof slab and maximise the rental space within the building, multiple routes of the tree-shaped rainwater drainage are provided. Below, in the basement reservoir, is where this rainwater that flows along the sides of H-beams is stored. From there it plays an ecological role in being pumped up for reuse in the building as a source of irrigation for the surrounding plants — then let go into a controlled drainage system, flowing until it reaches the river. With the use of a rainwater drain as the main feature of the facade’s design, a challenge has been aimed at the values: by openly displaying the rainwater in its symbolic shape of the natural water cycle, the building likewise may be visualised as an integral part of the natural cycle. It is essentially a way of bringing back once again the enjoyment and gratitude the town’s people have had for the rainwater.These tree-shaped architectural elements will evolve with time as the plants will wrap around them — the structure further overlapping with its natural environment, becoming a continuous part of the town’s love for greenery. In addition, it is thought through to have the design of the similarly enclosed windows be created to present the indoor activity in frames of plants, hoping to attract nature-appreciating tenants and overall bring a positive change to the environment of the townscape.
Location: 3-23-16 Kugayama, Suginami-ku,Tokyo, Japan
Purpose of the Building: Commercial
Site area 429.46 m2
Total area 953.60 m2
Structure Steel Structure, 3 Stories
Site area 429.46 m2
Total area 953.60 m2
Structure Steel Structure, 3 Stories
Light Design: Natsuha Kameoka / Lighting Sou
Metal Façade; Shinko Stainless Kemma Co.,LTD.
Contractor: Magome Construction Company
Client: Shinko Shoji
Completion Date: October 2017
Contractor: Magome Construction Company
Client: Shinko Shoji
Completion Date: October 2017
Photo credits:
Takumi Ota Photography Co., Ltd.
Takumi Ota Photography Co., Ltd.
Iconic Awards 2018, Winner
German Design Award 2019, Special Mention
German Design Award 2019, Special Mention