場所は、ロンドン、ウェストミンスターにあるThe Royal Horseguards Hotel。
「Modelia Days GOKOKUJI」が世界を対象にした集合住宅部門(RESIDENTIAL BUILDING OF THE YEAR (Multiple Occupancy) の5作品のうちの1作品として入選(ショートリスト)しました。
私共は、昨年の国際インテリア部門(International Interior Design of the Year)「米洲ギャラリー」に続く2年連続の入選となりました。
場所は、ロンドン、ウェストミンスターにあるThe Royal Horseguards Hotel。
「Modelia Days GOKOKUJI」が世界を対象にした集合住宅部門(RESIDENTIAL BUILDING OF THE YEAR (Multiple Occupancy) の5作品のうちの1作品として入選(ショートリスト)しました。
私共は、昨年の国際インテリア部門(International Interior Design of the Year)「米洲ギャラリー」に続く2年連続の入選となりました。
Leaf Awards 2017 Award Gala Dinner was held at The Royal Horseguards Hotel, Westminster, London.
Our project "Modelia Days Gokokuji" was on shortlist for the Residential Building of the Year (Multiple Occupancy) as one of five projects from around the world. We are on shortlisted for second year in a row as 2016, “Beishu Gallery” for the International Interior Design of the Year. Sir Peter Cook also at the Gala Dinner for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
ABB LEAF Awards is an annual international architectural prize. It recognises innovative architectural design that sets the benchmark for the international architectural community of the next generation. The LEAF Awards program is operated by the Leading European Architects Forum (LEAF), founded in 2001. LEAF brings together leading international architects and designers operating in Europe and beyond to share knowledge, to network and to develop new partnerships.
Our project "Modelia Days Gokokuji" was on shortlist for the Residential Building of the Year (Multiple Occupancy) as one of five projects from around the world. We are on shortlisted for second year in a row as 2016, “Beishu Gallery” for the International Interior Design of the Year. Sir Peter Cook also at the Gala Dinner for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
ABB LEAF Awards is an annual international architectural prize. It recognises innovative architectural design that sets the benchmark for the international architectural community of the next generation. The LEAF Awards program is operated by the Leading European Architects Forum (LEAF), founded in 2001. LEAF brings together leading international architects and designers operating in Europe and beyond to share knowledge, to network and to develop new partnerships.

Award Gala at The Royal Horseguards Hotel, London, U.K.

Award Drink Reception/ 授賞式前のレセプション

Sir Peter Cook at Drink Reception/ピーター・クック卿 レセプションにて

Leaf Awards 2017 Torophy

Award Gala Party / 授賞式ディナー

Award Gala Party / 授賞式ディナー

Award Gala Party / 授賞式ディナー

Sir Peter Cook at Gala Party/ピーター・クック卿 授賞式ディナーにて

Modelia Days GOKOKUJI at Gala Party
Modelia Days GOKOKUJIの授賞式ディナーでの紹介
