内外の関係においては、これらの開口が<内部 ― シンプル、ミニマル>と、<外部 ― 賑やかな喧噪>とを媒介し、適切に制御する装置となるよう計画した。多様な色彩の光あふれる商店街の風景が、この「正方形」で切り取られ、静謐な室内の壁に配置されることで、緩衝され制御されたシーンとなる。いわば室内においては、切り取られた都市の光景こそが唯一の装飾となる。一方外部においては、道路へと突き出した鋼板のフレームが時間に応じて多様な陰影を生み、ファサードに象徴的な表情を与える。このフレームはまた、新旧とりどりの街の風景を反射して室内へも取り込み、室ごとの景色に変化をもたらしている。
共同設計:奥村梨枝子/Atelier O
場所: 東京都品川区戸越6-23-16
延床面積: 331.19m2
アイコニック賞 2016, Winner (Germany)
ドイツデザイン賞 2017, Special Mention (Germany)
International Design Awards 2016, Honorable Mention (USA)
アイコニック賞 2016, Winner (Germany)
ドイツデザイン賞 2017, Special Mention (Germany)
International Design Awards 2016, Honorable Mention (USA)
This project is located close to the Nakanobu shopping lane, south of the central district of Tokyo. The town is a mixture of old stalls and new shops: from a small grandmother’s confectionery shop aimed for children to a larger scaled jazz festival — everyone, pensioners and young couples, all share the same street happily together. The location of the project is near a newsstand and a bathhouse. To be incorporated into the humble yet lively town, the building’s scale has been restrained in consideration of the neighbouring buildings, summing up into a four-storey structure with just twelve units.The purposefully unaligned positioning of the window openings on the facade of the building concentrated at the bottom and gradually spreading upwards, portray an effect of a floating-like sensation, to reduce the massive weightiness of the concrete. The entrance is given the element of privacy as it is hidden by a narrow pathway leading the residents away from the vibrant street in front of the building.In the simplest way possible, the interior is completely composed of exposed concrete and plain white walls. The planning and design of the structure aim to convey a set of modest conventions: independent walls which replace a closet, one tap dual-tasking cooking and handwashing. These propose a minimalistic approach in architecture and the lifestyle of the residents: a collective dwelling, not reliant on possessing, but rather finding the richness of not having. Minimalism in this project is a direct connection to a way of living that is promoted. However, some of the architectural elements are designed to stimulate an innovative style of inhabitation. For instance, the storage walls could flexibly transform into a small cosy room, while the large concrete kitchen counter could essentially be also used as a desk. Simplicity with purpose allows for a new form of spatial flexibility.In the building, every single opening, such as the windows, takes a square-shaped form. Thinking outside of the modernist style conventions, windows following either a vertical or a horizontal layout, ‘square’ may be found to be the purest and most primitive form of an opening. Within this project, every space of the interior and exterior of the building is found to be rhythmically connected throughout the purest element of the square. Windows in particular hold an important position in mediating and controlling the interpretation of the interior, as a place of minimalism and simplicity, with the exterior, as a lively bustling city, of the structure.The energetic and colourful atmosphere of the shopping lane trimmed into the square openings, framing the scenery within the interior windows — allow for it to become a muted and controlled scene: shaping the town as an exterior element of ornamented view for the residents. In addition, the galvanised steel window frames cast shadows at various angles to add a non-uniform expression to the facade, consequently visible as distinctive icons in the cityscape. These shadows reflect into the interior of the building, allowing for a richer experience and variety of city views for the residents.
Collaboration with Rieko Okumura
Architects: Ryuichi Sasaki/Sasaki Architecture + Rieko Okumura/Atelier O
Design Team: Gen Sakaguchi, Michal Rogozinski/Sasaki Architecture
Producer: Hidetaka Gonai/Modelia Co.,LTD
Client: Nobumitsu Ohashi/Shukou Kensetsu Co.,LTD
Light Design: Natsuha Kameoka / Lighting Sou
Contractor: Magome Construction Company
Photo: Takumi Ota, Bauhaus Neo
Location: 6-23-16 Togoshi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Area: 331.19m2
Completion Date: February , 2016
Building Purpose: Residential Housing
Design Team: Gen Sakaguchi, Michal Rogozinski/Sasaki Architecture
Producer: Hidetaka Gonai/Modelia Co.,LTD
Client: Nobumitsu Ohashi/Shukou Kensetsu Co.,LTD
Light Design: Natsuha Kameoka / Lighting Sou
Contractor: Magome Construction Company
Photo: Takumi Ota, Bauhaus Neo
Location: 6-23-16 Togoshi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Area: 331.19m2
Completion Date: February , 2016
Building Purpose: Residential Housing
Iconic Awards 2016, Winner (Germany)
German Design Awards 2017, Special Mention (Germany)
International Design Awards 2016, Honorable Mention (USA)
German Design Awards 2017, Special Mention (Germany)
International Design Awards 2016, Honorable Mention (USA)